The first bet in a poker game is commonly referred to as the “ante” or the “bring-in,” depending on the variant of poker being played.
– **Ante**: In many poker games, each player is required to make a small forced bet, called an “ante,” before the cards are dealt. This ensures there is a pot to win and encourages active play.
– **Bring-in**: In games like Stud and Draw poker, the first bet is called the “bring-in.” This is typically the smallest betting increment and is made by the player showing the lowest card (in games like Stud) or after a round of betting where no one has yet bet (in Draw poker).
In Texas Hold’em and similar community card games, there are two types of forced bets before the cards are dealt: the “small blind” and the “big blind.” These are not considered the first “real” bet, but rather the initial mandatory bets that start the betting structure of the hand. The first actual bet after the blinds is usually made by the player to the left of the big blind, who can choose to “call,” “raise,” or “fold.”